Mutli-passionate creative (n) - a person who has multiple passions and/or gifts that they pursue at the same time, in cycles, or in different seasons of their life. 

Sound familiar? Keep reading! ↓

So... what's a multi-passionate, anyways?

The Rooted Guild

←keep on scrolling!

You don't have to choose one thing or ultra niche down! 


I love playing with old film cameras! It's a hobby of mine.

My camera

Caption for the next thing would go right here.

Thing #2 

This is another caption for this third item right here. 

Thing #3

This area can be used for any kind of list. Get creative!

Thing #4

Your fifth must-have would go right about here. Yup, yup.

Thing #5

Niche down or focus on only one creative passion

Thrive using time management and organizational tools

Get out of the cycle of starting and quitting projects

if you've ever struggled to:



Unstable + All Over the Place

You may have been misidentified as:

A lack of confidence in your creative pursuits + process

Ashamed you can't seem to
"get it together"

Caged or boxed in

which might have left you feeling:

  • If you prefer non-traditional 9-5 jobs and your work history looks like a murder board,
  • If you have a vast network of hobbies and interests,
  • If your friend groups are diverse and unique,
  • If you desire to experience new things,
  • And if you love change (changing decor often, new routines, ect.),

You're not crazy. You just approach the creative process differently.

I have good news! You might just be a multi-passionate creative!

click here to read about my story...

Embrace your superpower as a modern day Renaissance person with these perspective shifts for every area of your life. 


Need a quick win?

“Your 'Affirmations for the Multipassionate Soul' are on their way to your inbox. Or, as I affectionately call them, ”affirmations that don't suck or make me want to roll my eyes".